Aerothermal and Hydrothermal

Directive 2009/28 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and repealing Directives 2001/77 / EC and 2003 / 30 / CE, recognizes as renewable energy, the energy captured by heat pumps, under certain conditions. Article 2 of this Directive establishes, among others, the following definitions according to the nature of the medium with which they exchange heat:

Aerothermal Energy

It is the energy stored in the form of heat in the ambient air.

Hydrothermal Energy

It is the energy stored in the form of heat in surface waters.
The heat pump is a thermal machine capable of pumping heat from a cold to a hot focus. In the case of aerothermal and hydrothermal heat pumps, they extract heat from the natural environment (air or water) through the evaporator and transfer it to the interior of a building or to industrial processes through the condenser. If they are reversible, the cycle is reversed and heat is transferred from inside the building, driving it to the natural environment.

Within heat pumps, we can distinguish between the following typologies:

Those powered electrically: As the most widespread model, in which the energy needed to move the compressor is obtained through an electric motor.

Gas-powered ones: In which the compressor drive is performed by an internal combustion endothermic engine.

The thermally actuated: In which the change of state of the refrigerant is carried out by means of a cycle of absorption or thermal compression.

For the purpose of accounting for the renewable energy quota established by the Directive, the energy captured by heat pumps shall be taken into account provided that the final energy production significantly exceeds the primary energy input necessary to boost the energy pump. heat, that is, only one part can be considered renewable.


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